Children are not interruptions to more important work. Children are the most important work.
C.S. Lewis
C.S. Lewis
For a small church like ours, VBS is a big deal. We consider children to be a blessing; a welcome part of the ministry here at Blue Ridge. We want them to understand the love that Jesus has for them; the forgiveness of their sins available in Him; that church is not just for adults, but for people of all ages; and that it's not what they become that's important to God, but who they become.
What We Do
- Singing
- Games
- Bible study
- Verse memorization
- Crafts (Pre-school and primary classes)
- Hay rides
- Snacks
We are one of the few VBS programs in the area that include teenagers. Surprisingly, this proves to be one of the most populated classes year after year. Sorry, but we cannot accommodate children under the age of three during VBS.
- Pre-School (ages 3-5)
- Primaries (6-9)
- Juniors (10-12)
- Teens (13-18)
All VBS activities will take place on our campus. Click or tap the button below for directions.