Saturday, August 3, 2024
8:00 am - 2:00 pm
8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Each year we open our grounds to the families in the community to sell some of their things. Doing this allows us to get to know each other better. This is not a fund raiser for the church and there is no charge to use the grounds.
Instructions for Selling
- Bring your own table, blankets, tarp, etc., to display your items.
- Please be considerate of the space you occupy and allow other sellers to have room for their displays also. We plan on doing this each year, so no need to bring everything at once.
- Don’t forget cash and coins to make change.
- It's helpful to have plastic or paper bags for your buyers.
- A plastic tarp to cover your items is a good idea in case we get a passing rain shower.
- We suggest coming early starting around 7:00 a.m. to set up. Past experience has shown that many buyers like to come EARLY!
Advantages of Participating With Us
We AdvertiseBRBC advertises the event in local newspapers as well as posting signs on the roads leading to the church.
Lots of RoomWe are blessed with a lot of land and mature shade trees. This means plenty of room to display your items and for buyers to park.
VisibilityBecause we front Howard Gap, the yard sale is easy to see from the road. Also, when there are multiple sellers in one location, this attracts attention.